Today Easter Day 1759 two men met in the Palace of the Dukes of Saschen -Vindow. They shook hands upon the promise of Everlasting Peace between Tradgardland and Sasche-Vindow. The men were Duke Peter ( recovering from his recent illness and still unable to leave his bed) and Duke Karl Frederick of the resplendent Tradgardland. In the light of Easter a new age is secured,one to be celebrated in the days ahead...Pax Vobiscum to you and yours this Eastertide from Alan and Family
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Today Easter Day 1759 two men met in the Palace of the Dukes of Saschen -Vindow. They shook hands upon the promise of Everlasting Peace between Tradgardland and Sasche-Vindow. The men were Duke Peter ( recovering from his recent illness and still unable to leave his bed) and Duke Karl Frederick of the resplendent Tradgardland. In the light of Easter a new age is secured,one to be celebrated in the days ahead...Pax Vobiscum to you and yours this Eastertide from Alan and Family
Thursday, 9 April 2009
In Stagonia..
The Duchess speaks" So Ludwig are you going to make a dishonest woman of me ?My marriage was a sham. I need you and a dynastic marriage is the only option. What say you sir!"

Monday, 16 March 2009
Affairs of the heart...
Saturday, 14 March 2009
excerpts from a letter to the Duke of Tradgardland
Fear not ,we are being kept in good if basic accommodation. The days are long - time to recall our failure upon your behalf. Time too to recall the good men lost under our command- for this we are eternally sorry.
your obedient Servant
Von Trimbach
Friday, 20 February 2009
A border village
The Saschen-Vindow border troops are mustering today in their villages. They have been summoned to the defense of the Duchy by Duke Peter. It is believed that Tradgardland troops are at this very moment making for the Border...
It is hoped they can be ambushed in the woods and swamps just this side of the border. The Ducal jaegers are expected any day now in the area.
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Journey's end?

The vehicle is proceeding well through copious amounts of blood ,sweat and tears. No further spies have been discovered yet Duke Peter remains concerned about the security of the work as it nears it's completion.
The fabricators have worked day and night to journey towards completion. It has cost life and limb not to mention coin. Duke Peter fears that the Tradgradlanders will mount an attempt to destroy the machine before it's completion. Rumours abound of troops across the border massing...