Monday, 15 December 2008

The Duchess...

Meanwhile, in a large rambling House across the Duchy, the Duchess of Saschen -Vindow receives visitors . It is many years since she became estranged from Duke Peter and now it has become evident ( to the great and not so great ) that she has surrounded herself with an alternative Ducal Court.She lives in luxury surrounded by those ever at her beck and call. Today she will receive the mother of the poor unfortunate broken upon the wheel, who was a loyal and trusted servant...
Dinner guests will include some militia captains and a rather disgruntled General. All will be captivated by her beauty,wit and rather less so by her thinly disguised utter ruthlessness...


Capt Bill said...

Me thinks there is some plotting afoot!

Der Alte Fritz said...

I like the part about the thinly disguised utter ruthlessness. It sounds like she is a soul mate of Lady de Winter.

I sense that someone is going to die soon in one of your worlds. People don't seem to last very long in Tradgardland and adjoining states.